Monday, July 2, 2018

KU Ph.D. in Education Colleges in Nepal Kathmandu University

eaching can prove to be an exciting and demanding job, and requires a variety of personal and professional qualities and characteristics. Teachers need to be able to relate well to othersand possess the skills of empathy and understanding in their interactions with learners. They must themselves enjoy learning and share this enthusiasm by providing an exciting and stimulating environment for young learners.

Some of the Kathmandu University affiliated Colleges offering Ph.D. in Education Course are:

> Kathmandu University-School of Education
Address: Hattiban, Lalitpur

The vision of the Kathmandu School of Education is to offer high quality teacher education programs with a holistic approach, and to play a key role in developing competent teachers, trainers and educational leaders. The mission is, therefore, to create an academic environment that prepares competent professionals who can provide high quality, up-to-date and relevant education and educational leadership in tertiary, secondary and primary levels of education in Nepal. [ View details ]

Click the link below for more listing
Ph.D. in Education Colleges in Nepal, KU