Sunday, July 1, 2018

Purbanchal University Hopitality Management MHM Colleges in Nepal Master of Hopitality Management

The mission of the MHM program is to produce senior level competent managers to serve in different areas if hospitality industry. The MHM program is designed to empower the graduates with necessary skills and abilities so as to manage the ever growing and highly competitive areas of hospitality management in a socially responsible scientifically approached and result oriented fashion.

The specific objectives of the program are to:
> Equip the students with required conceptual knowledge of hospitality industry and management.
> Provide insight into the hospitality industry in practical and theoretical perspectives.
> Develop skills of handling the hospitality industry operation with global context.
> Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students through strategic thinking, problem solving, decision making, situational analysis and leadership.
> Prepare effective change agents in Nepalese society especially for hospitality sector.
> Provide a mix of knowledge of information technology, research methodology and managerial skills.
> Prepare students to proceed on to higher studies in the fields of hospitality management.

Some of the Purbanchal University affiliated Colleges offering Master of Hopitality Management (MHM) Course are:

> Kantipur International College
Address: Buddhanagar, Kathmandu

Kantipur International College of Management is situated at New Baneshwor, the centre of Kathmandu Valley and the College of Science & Technology & the College of Liberal Arts are located at peaceful suburb of Lalitpur district.KIC is persevering to instill quality education to its students in order to resource the job market with skilled, efficient, dedicated &qualified professionals in diverse fields. Along with team of dedicated, highly educated and professional faculty members, KIC has been offering various courses as per the demand of modern society and the country. [ View details ]

Click the link below for more listing
Master of Hopitality Management (MHM) Colleges in Nepal, Purbanchal University