Sunday, July 1, 2018

Purbanchal University MPA Public Administration Colleges in Nepal

Master of Public Administration (MPA) program extends over two academic years with four semesters. The curriculum of Master of Public Administration program consists of three distinct course components.

Course Objective:
The major objective of Master of Public Administration (MPA) program is to produce human resources for professional career that serves the needs, particularly, of the public sector organizations. This program covers an intensive two-year course which aims at imparting knowledge on interdisciplinary areas of contemporary public affairs management. Especially, the program is designed to enhance the capacity of those seeking jobs in the public, semi-governmental, non-governmental, teaching and research institutions.

The specific objectives of the program are:
> to make the students aware of and skilled in dealing with the issues relating to diversified fields of contemporary public affairs management
> to provide students with conceptual tools to understand and appreciate behavioral aspects of public affairs management.
> to enhance the capability of the students to undertake research in the field of public affairs management.
> to provide the students with focused knowledge and analytical skills in their respective areas of specialization.
> to acquaint the students with the functioning of public management system.

Some of the Purbanchal University affiliated Colleges offering Master of Public Administration (MPA) Course are:

Kasthamandap School of Public Affairs Management
Address: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Centrally located at Subidhanagar, Kasthamandap School of Public Affairs Management aims at catering to the needs of those who are keenly interested in pursuing their career in the public sector, public enterprises, research institutions and voluntary sector. [ View details ]

Click the link below for more listing
Master of Public Administration (MPA) Colleges in Nepal,Purbanchal University