Sunday, July 1, 2018

Purbanchal University MSc Meat Technology Colleges in Nepal

M. Sc. in Meat Technology will be of two academic years divided into 4 semesters. The students will have to complete research-based dissertation at the end of the 4th semester. The weight age given to theory and practical classes in each course is 60 & 40 percent, respectively. The students will have to undergo in-plant training for 3 months.

The main objectives of the courses are:
> To provide the students in-depth theory & practical knowledge of Microbiology, Statistics, Bio-chemistry, Food Chemistry, Dairy/Meat Processing Engineering, Environmental Engineering, product development, marketing..
> To provide the students with actual field experience by visiting the industries as well as providing 3-month in-plant training.
> To provide knowledge in Research methodology, R&D project planning, Quality assessment and industry/enterprise management.

 Some of the Purbanchal University affiliated Colleges offering MSc Meat Technology Course are:

> Himalayan College Of Agriculture Science And Technology
Address: Kalanki, Khasibazar Kathmandu

Himalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (HICAST) has been established with a mission of producing competent human resources able to catalyze the overall process of sustainable development, and in particular the process of agricultural development as well as the promotion of agro-based industries and marketing. HICAST is a service-oriented non-profit making academic institution. [ View details ]

Click the link below for more listing
MSc Meat Technology Colleges in Nepal, Purbanchal University