Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Top 6 Public colleges in Nepal : New Biz B-School Rating-Ranking Award-2018

Top 6 Public colleges in Nepal as per New Biz B-School Rating-Ranking Award-2018 are as follows:

1. Kailali Multiple Campus
Address: Dhangadhi, Kailali

Kailali Multiple Campus (KMC) is located in Dhangadhi, the headquarter of Seti Zone of Far Western Nepal. The population of Kailali District largely comprises native Tharus and migrated people from different districts of Far Western Region and other parts of Nepal. Kailali District is one of the most backward districts of Nepal with little infrastructure base and a poor state of educational facilities which is evident from the fact that prior to the establishment of KMC in 1980, most of the students of this region had to go to Kathmandu or to India for further studies beyond SLC. [ View details ]

2. Padmakanya Campus
Address: Bagbazar, Kathmandu

P. K. Campus has a proud history of more than five decades. Ever since of its inception in 2008 B.S., it has stood for the quality education particularly to the girls’ students enabling them to combat every plight and issues they have to encounter in their regular life in the society and across the world. It always boasts for quality education and dedicated itself to produce skilled and efficient human resources to face the challenge ever experienced by the nation. [ View details ]

3. Rapti Babai Campus
Address: Tulsipur, Dang-Deukhuri

Rapti Babai Campus is located in Tulsipur Dang. With affiliation from Tribhuvan University it is offering both Bachelor level and Master level prgraoms. Among the Bachelor level programs, Bachelor Education (B.Ed) and Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS), Bachelor of Arts (BA) are offered. Among Master level programs, it offers MBS, MA Sociology and M.Ed. This Campus is also offering Plus two (10+2) program in Management, Humanities and Education in affiliation with National Examination Board (NEB). [ View details ]

4. Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus
Address: Dhawalagiri, Baglung

Since its inception in 2019,Dhawalagiri Multiple Campus (DMC) is located right in the lap of the Dhawalagiri Mountain and in the heart of Baglung District. DMC has been established to flourish the recent needs and interests of the community with the joints efforts and active participation of intellectual academicians, politicians and well wishers. The campus has been established to fulfill the emerging needs of the public. Along with the increasing number of population, the huge scale of population, searching for the academic institute to provide quality education. [ View details ]

5. Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Multiple Campus
Address: Bhadgaun, Tanahu

Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus, publicly owned, is the largest educational centre for higher education in Tanahun district. It is located at Vyas Municipality, Ward no. 1, Bigyan Chaur, Damauli, Tanahun. Vyas Municipality is the head quarter of the district. It is 150 kms west of Kathmandu and 50 kms east of Pokhara. Aadikavi Bhanubhakta Campus was established in the year 1987 and is the oldest campus of this area. [ View details ]

6. Sahara Campus
Address: Birendranagar-08, Surkhet

Sahara Campus is affiliated to Tribhuvan University. Since an independent institution of higher education was a cherished dream of the people of this area. People of Mid-west region particularly showed an amazing instance of contribution to the fund raising program geared to the establishment of Sahara Campus. It is the product of profound interest of academician in this area. [ View details ]