Friday, July 23, 2021

How to renew Blue Book and pay vehicle tax online in Nepal

Bluebook/ Billbook is the logbook that contains complete information about the vehicle and its owner that is registered in the transportation management office. It is used for paying the vehicle tax.

The Following things should be remembered by vehicle owner who wants to avoid fine in blue book renew:
> Bluebook should be renewed annually
> Renewal should be done within the three months of the last date stated in the blue book
> A third-party insurance document should be provided for renewal.

Bagmati Province has launched a dedicated information system to facilitate the payment of vehicles tax online.According to the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport of Bagmati Province, it has brought into operation the Transport Management Information System (TMIS) that is linked with the Nagarik App. With the system in place, the taxpayers can see the details of their tax dues and can register their vehicles and have annual renewal through the electronic platform.

HOW TO RENEW Blue Book online?

Chief Minister Dormani Poudel of Bagmati Province has inaugurated the new vehicle renewal service on 23 July 2021.The online service will allow people to pay their vehicle tax through the MoPID website or the Nagarik app. The new system is said to decrease the cost of the department.

The online service is also believed to promote the ‘Digital Bagmati’ campaign.

click [ ] to renew bluebook online and pay vehichle tax


Lok Sewa Aayog annual vacancy Calendar 2078 / 2079