Monday, January 24, 2011

Technical scholarship quota to go up

Scholarship aspirants in technical fields will be getting more opportunities for. Ministry of Education is to gather scholarship quotas for higher education in various technical degrees from private run colleges for disadvantaged students.

A few private medical colleges have provided 10 per cent scholarship to the ‘basket’ of scholarship quota, however MoE said several other medical and technical education colleges are yet to follow the MoE rule of 10 per cent scholarship quota. The scholarships, mostly in medical course are to be added along with other technical fields like engineering and nursing. Of the eighteen medical colleges in the country, colleges running on foreign investment have to offer 20 per cent scholarship seats.

Under secretary at the higher education section at MoE Laxman Khanal said once all colleges follow the rule, they would have more scholarship quota, adding “About a dozen quotas in Engineering and Nursing are sure to be added in the basket for the next academic session.”

“We have recently directed all private university officials to provide the mandatory scholarship to MoE,” informed Mahashram Sharma, joint secretary at MoE.

He added that Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences and Purbanchal University affiliated colleges are yet to offer scholarships as per the agreement.

MoE awarded MBBS scholarship to 202 students, Bachelor of Dental Studies (BDS) scholarship to 16 students and about a dozen scholarship for Bachelor in nursing this year. Some 5204 candidates competed for the scholarship this year for MBBS.

Every year a dozen private colleges come into operation offering a wide array of subjects in the technical field.

source:The himalayan Times
