Wednesday, June 11, 2014

tu routine ba second year 2071,tu BBS exam routine 2nd year 2071,BSc routine second year 2071,Routine of B.e.d 2nd year 2071

Tribhuvan University, Exam controller office,Balkhu has published theExamination Routine of 3 year Bachelor Level (Second year) - 2071 for faculities of Humanities, Education, Science & Technology, LLB and Management. Also, examination routine of 4 years B.Sc. 2nd year 2071 has been published.

click the link below to view full examination routine:
Bachelor Level 2nd Year 2071 routine


Tribhuvan University publishes exam centers for Three years BBS,BA, B.Ed B.Sc & LLB Second year and Four years B.Sc. Second year 2071 (20 july 2014)


Tribhuvan University publishes exam centers for Bachelor 2nd year 2071 (Outside valley) BA, BBS, B.Ed. B.Sc , LLB second year (dated 15 july 2014)

TU publishes Exam Form Fill up notice for Bachelor First year (BBS,BA,B.Ed.,LLB)-3 years and B.Sc. first year-Four years 2071
