Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tribhuvan University (TU) marks 55th anniversary

The Tribhuvan University (TU), the oldest university of the country, marked its 55th anniversary amid a function at its own premise on Sunday.

Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and Deputy Prime Minister Bamdev Gautam addressed the function stating that the government is planning to introduce an umbrella act to improve the quality of education in colleges.

"Lack of coordination between the authorities has hindered the progress of educational system, which needs to be addressed through a single umbrella act," Gautam stated.

The TU vice chancellor, registrar and rectors were among others to speak about the problems facing university on the last day of weeklong anniversary celebrations.

For the betterment of the teachers and staffs after retirement, the Faculty of Humanities on Thursday had donated Rs 10.4 million to the TU Registrar Chandra Mani Poudel.

While the university´s top level officials are often criticized for their failure to improve the quality of education in its affiliate colleges, TU this week had organized a discussion among students, teachers, educationists and other stakeholder to soicit their opinions.

Management faculty Dean Pushkar Bajracharya had also presented a working paper at the function.

Beginning the weeklong celebrations on June 30, TU also organized a tree plantation program near the principal´s office of the TU central campus and the central office. Likewise, students and university staffers also expressed determination to make TU premise free of plastic.

Giving continuity to the tree plantation program, the TU staffers also planted an additional 300 trees of medicinal value such as amala, harro and barro on the university premise on July 2.

Amid the function, 219 university teachers and staffers were felicitated for their contribution to the university.

source: republica,6 july 2014
