Date of Publication: 2015/November/02
Sana Kishan Bikas Bank Ltd. (SKBBL) has received grant fund from International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to implement parts of component of Kisankalagi Unnat Biubijan Karyakram (KUBK) [Improved Seed for Farmer Programme (IFSP)]. SKBBL now intends to use part of this grant towards the cost of Liaison Officer. The Bank invites applications from qualified and interested Nepalese nationals.
Name of the Position: Liaison Officer
Vacancy Coded: IFAD/SKBBL/072/073/01
Location: PMO Office Butwal, Rupandehi
Duration: Annual Contract Based on Performance Evaluation
Application deadline:16 Nov 2015
view original vacancy below for more details and application procedure:

Sana Kishan Bikas Bank Ltd. (SKBBL) has received grant fund from International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to implement parts of component of Kisankalagi Unnat Biubijan Karyakram (KUBK) [Improved Seed for Farmer Programme (IFSP)]. SKBBL now intends to use part of this grant towards the cost of Liaison Officer. The Bank invites applications from qualified and interested Nepalese nationals.
Name of the Position: Liaison Officer
Vacancy Coded: IFAD/SKBBL/072/073/01
Location: PMO Office Butwal, Rupandehi
Duration: Annual Contract Based on Performance Evaluation
Application deadline:16 Nov 2015
view original vacancy below for more details and application procedure: