Tri-Chandra College – Education History of Nepal
Jung Bahadur, the first Rana Prime Minister of Nepal opened the first school, named as Durbar School in Kathmandu -1854, to provide basic education to the Ranas and the family members of the ruling elite. After Jung Bahadur, Bir Shumsher in 1883 declared it open to the general public. At that time the School Leaving certificate/Matriculation used to be governed by the University of Calcutta, India but after 1934 the Nepal School Leaving Certificate Examination Board began conducted the SLC examination in Nepal itself.
Chandra Shumsher, the Rana Prime Minister, established Tribhuvan Chandra Intermediate College now named as Tri-Chandra College in 1918. The history says among the Rana Prime Ministers, Chandra Shumsher was the one of Prime Minister who opposed any form of higher education in Nepal the most.

Tri-Chandra College behind the GhantagharTri-Chandra College was modeled on a typical Indian college and affiliated to Patna University, India. In the early days of its inception classes were only for subjects in Liberal Arts. The faculties of science and commerce were later added in 1919 and 1954 respectively. The lecturers and professors were hired from especially from India and other countries. Graduation Examination was governed by the Patna University itself, Tri-Chandra College being its first examination center Nepal. At that time the Graduates passing out from the college were in high demand and were largely inducted into government services and/or in the teaching profession.
The establishment of Tri-Chandra College built the base for higher education in the country. Following the foundation laid by Tri-Chandra, colleges were established within and outside the Kathmandu Valley. With these developments, people had access to higher education in Nepal and marked the beginning of the expansion of higher education in Nepal.
The Ghantaghar – First Public Tower Clock in Nepal. The original clock tower was designed after the Big Ben of London, as Western influence crept into Nepalese architecture during the Rana era.
The Ghantaghar that stands today was rebuild after the 1990 BS earthquake, standing on site of the original.