Tribhuvan University, exam controller office has published examination schedule of 3 years Humanities/Science and 3/4 years Education Bachelor First year 2073
The examination of 3 years Humanities Bachelor (BA) First year 2073 starts from 2073/5/12 and ends on 2073/5/26.The examination of 3 years Science( B.Sc.) 1st year 2073 starts from 2073/5/12 and ends on 2073/5/26.
The examination of 3 years Education Bachelor (B.Ed.) 1st year starts from 2073/5/12 and ends on 2073/5/31.The examination of 4 years Education Bachelor (B.Ed.) 1st year starts from 2073/5/13 and ends on 2073/5/27.
The examination time has been set to 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
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