Monday, July 3, 2017

Questions raised over TU examinations office

Blunders on the part of the Office of Controller of Examinations, Tribhuvan University, has raised questions regarding the university’s ability of conduct examinations and its attitude towards university students’ future. Negligence on the part of the examination office has time and again created problems for students and has raised questions on the quality of education it provides.

Students from Public Youth Campus, Dhobichaur in Kathmandu, faced consequences due to a blunder committed by the Office of Controller of Examinations. Their result was published and they were marked absent, although they had attended the examination.

Pratham Gurung, a student of Masters in Business Studies from Public Youth Campus said that all the students have been victimised due to the negligence of the Office of the Controller of Examination. “We had been waiting for the results since seven months but when the result was published we were marked absent in our certificates,” said Pratham, adding, “We are deeply concerned about the errors in our results and its publication. The controllers have been reckless with regard to the future of students, and it isn’t the first time such a thing has happened. It has happened many times over the years. That’s why we want a revolution, not for our sake but for the sake of the upcoming generation.”

“Of the total 340 students of the campus who appeared in the exams, 195 students were marked absent in their certificates. This is gross negligence on the part of the office. They must be sensitive about such issue,” said Balaram Thapa, assistant campus chief of Public Youth Campus. The agitated students have padlocked the campus chief’s room and have demanded rechecking and republishing of results. “The issue is no more an issue of our college, it is a national issue. Even re-examination was denied. We are awaiting the decision of the Office of the Controller of Examination, Balkhu, only after its decision will we open the locked room of the campus chief,” he said.

In order to address the issue, Office of the Controller of Examination has formed a probe committee to research the copy of examination. According to the Registrar of Tribhuvan University Dilli Ram Upreti, the committee will report the findings of its investigation by Friday. After that, the office will address the problem of students.

Upreti informed that the students are furious about the result but without any proof we can’t take any decision. He said, “If the committee finds out that the papers of the exams were lost, then, as per the law, we have to take re-examination.

There is no other way out. If the copies are hidden somewhere then we’ll soon publish the result.” He has requested all the students to be patient until the committee comes up with its report and draws a conclusion.

source: the himalayan times,3 july 2017
