Friday, May 25, 2018

    TU exam routine of 4 years B.Sc 2nd year and 3 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075

    Tribhuvan University ,office of the controller of examination, Balkhu, has published the examination schedule of both 3 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075 and 4 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075 programs.

    The examination of 4 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075 starts from 2075-04-06 ( Chemistry-201) and ends on 2075-04-20 ( Math 202).The examination of 3 years B.Sc Second year 2075 starts from 2075-03-17 (Chem. 321 ) and ends on  2075-04-01 (Statistics II 321).

    The examination time will be from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm for both 4 years B.Sc Second year and 3 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075.

    Join our FB page for Latest TU routine and RESULTS ALERTS

    View the complete routine for both exams:

    EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: 4 years B.Sc 2nd year 2075
    Examination time:1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

    EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: 3 years B.Sc 2nd year 2074

    Examination time:1:00 pm to 4:00 pm


    TU 3 and 4 years Bachelor 2nd year Exam routine 2075 published
