Friday, May 1, 2020

International Master and Doctoral Student Awards from University of Waterloo, Canada

The University of Waterloo, located at the heart of Canada’s technology hub, has become a leading comprehensive university with 35,100 full- and part-time students in undergraduate and graduate programs. Consistently ranked Canada’s most innovative university, Waterloo is home to advanced research and teaching in science and engineering, health, environment, arts and social sciences. From quantum computing and nanotechnology to clinical psychology and health sciences research, Waterloo brings ideas and brilliant minds together, inspiring innovations with real impact today and in the future.

University of Waterloo offers Master's and Doctoral Student Awards to international students.

International Master's and Doctoral Student Awards (IMSA / IDSA )
The IMSA program will be discontinued effective May 1, 2019 with the spring 2019 admissions cycle. This means that students offered admission for spring 2019 and beyond will no longer automatically receive this award. Students who were offered the award prior to spring 2019 will continue to be “grand parented” under this program until their last eligible term based on the details below.

An IMSA or IDSA will be provided automatically to eligible international students registered full time in research-based graduate degree programs at the University of Waterloo. Students must meet the academic progress requirements of their program, and not have outstanding probationary admission requirements, or be concurrently receiving external awards or sponsorships, or be self-funded.

Interested students can refer to our IMSA and IDSA database descriptions for detailed eligibility criteria and values.

International Master’s Award of Excellence (IMAE)
Effective May 1, 2019 (spring 2019 admissions cycle), the International Master’s Award of Excellence (IMAE) will be awarded to eligible international master’s students normally entering a research-based graduate program at the University of Waterloo. The award will be valued at $2,500 per term for a maximum of five terms. Faculties will nominate eligible students based on their award allocation and select recipients based on academic excellence as demonstrated through their application for admission to the graduate program and other criteria as identified by the Faculties.

Interested students can refer to our IMAE database description for detailed eligibility criteria.

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