National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi Bhaktapur has publishef the
result of Grade Improvement/ Supplementary Exam of Grade 11.
Statistics of Grade 11 Supplementary Examination
> Total students
who appeared the examination: 167241
> Result withheld: 4
A total of 78.63 percent candidates passed the examination out of total examinees.
HOW TO VIEW GRADE 11(Supplementary) Result 2077?
Students can view the results of NEB Grade 11 Science, Management,
Humanities and Education via various official websites, SMS Service, IVR
1. via Websites
> Visit official NEB Results website [ Link Here ]
Type your symbol number (Example :- 02071382) in the input box above and click submit
Other Websites:
- Nepal Telecom website:
- NEB website:
2. Via SMS
a.Nepal Telecom: SMS: Short Code: 1600
Type NEB<space>Symbol No. and Send it to 1600
3. IVR System (From PSTN and CDMA phones)
Dial 1601 and follow the instructions