Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management Bachelor Level Second Semester Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management has published the second semesters' regular examination schedule for the following Bachelor level programs:

> Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
> Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
> Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance (BBA-F)
> Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA)
> Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)
> Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
> Bachelor of Travel and Tourism Management (BTTM) and
> Bachelor of Mountaineering Studies (BMS)

Key Information
> BBA, BBA-F, BIM, BPA, BBM and BMS exam are going to be held from Ashoj 21, 2080 (October 08, 2023)
> BHM and BTTM exams are going to be held from Ashoj 22, 2080 (October 09, 2023)
> Exam centers and time will be published later.

click [ HERE ] to download exam routine
