Thursday, September 1, 2022

NEB Class 12 Result 2079 2022 with Marksheet

National Examination Board, Controller of Examinations has published Grade 12 Exam Results. The results have been announced according to the grading system.
Class 12 Result Details:
Grade Group - No. of Students

GPA 3.61 to 4.0 :  4,179
GPA 3.21 to 3.60 : 30,107
GPA 2.81 to 3.20 :  65,284
GPA 2.41 to 2.80 : 64,093
GPA 2.01 to 2.40 : 10,900
GPA 1.61 to 2.0 :  35
GPA 1.21 to 1.60 :  0
Non-Graded - 188410
TOTAL - 363,008

As many as 415,000 students attended the Grade 12 exams which concluded on June 8, 2022. There were 1,292 exam centres of all 77 districts for Grade 12 Exams.

How to check NEB Grade 12 Results ?
Students, Teachers, Guardians, and other stakeholders can view the results of NEB Grade 12 (Management, Humanities, Law, and Education Faculties ) via various official websites, SMS Service, IVR.

click [ HERE ] to view ways to check NEB Class 12 Results 2079

NEB Grade 12 Results Statistics (Last Year):
Last year National Examination Board (NEB), Sanothimi Bhaktapur NEB had published results of Grade 12 on 1 February 2021.Out of 310,316 students under the regular category, 6,916 students secured between 3.61 – 4.0 GPA while 38,480 students secured 3.21 – 3.60 GPA. Similarly, 76,841 students secured 2.81-3.20 GPA whereas, 1,09,312 students secured 2.41 – 2.80 GPA. Likewise, 52,427 students secured between 2.10- 2.40 GPA; 7,164 students secured between 1.61 – 2.0 GPA; 333 students secured between 1.21-1.60 GPA; 4 students secured between 0.81-1.20 GPA; and 18,839 students secured 0.00-0.80 GPA. 2079 2078 NEB Result 2079 class 12 2079 result 2079 2022 Neb Class 12 Results 2022 how to see Class 12 Result 2079 Class 12 Gradesheet
