Thursday, January 18, 2024

Tribhuvan University provides opportunities for Master's and M.Phil students to complete their Viva and Thesis.

 Tribhuvan University (TU)'s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Science and Technology Studies, and Faculty of Education have announced a significant decision that will benefit Master's and M.Phil students. This decision is significant for those who have completed some of their coursework but have struggled to complete the rest of their academic requirements. It provides an opportunity to complete their degrees, which is critical for their academic and professional advancement. Students who meet the criteria are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and contact their respective departments for more information and assistance with the Viva submission process.

Eligibility Criteria:
This opportunity is for candidates who have passed the theoretical examination at the Master's and M.Phil levels at TU but have yet to complete their thesis, term paper, project report, internship, practical examination, or teaching experience.

The decision is particularly relevant to Master level annual system students who were admitted for the first time in the year 2058 (2001 AD) and took their first-year exam in 2059 (2002 AD). It also includes students who have exceeded the time limit under the semester system.

One-Time Viva Submission:

Eligible candidates have a one-time opportunity to submit their Viva. This must be completed by the end of Ashad 2081 (mid-July 2024) for their respective campus or department.

view official notice below for more details: