What do you do when you miss some important announcements made by the teachers at class? No need to worry for the college bulletin boards serve as an important link between the teachers and the students. The college bulletin boards keep students informed about all the important things all the time.
By referring to the bulletin boards, they can know about the latest activities in the college very easily.
There might not be any college without bulletin boards for it has been serving as an effective and one important means of communication between the college management and students.
Source of timely information The two large notice boards of concrete on either side of the entrance of Pulchowk Engineering Campus (PEC), Pulchowk are always filled with notices. And once you enter the college premises, the number of such notice boards in each department, library and even in the hostel are seen to be full of information posted on them. Some carry information of inter-college sports events, while others inform the students about the examination schedule. Some are filled with advertisements too.
"We have never missed any event for not getting timely information as bulletin boards have helped us stay informed all the time," said Sugandha Subedi, who is pursuing Bachelor's of Architecture (B Arch) IIIrd Year at PEC.
Be it the information dissemi nated by college, students' union, or even outsiders, bulletin boards are a major medium to get timely information. "Even if we miss any notice announced in the classroom, we need not worry as we find the same information put up on the bulletin board," opined Kristi Shrestha, a Class XI student from Sagarmatha Multiple (SM) College, Dillibazaar.
Easiest means of communication In the absence of well-maintained bulletin board, Patan Multiple Campus at Patandhoka has been pasting all notices on the white walls of the college. "All bulletin boards were destroyed by the students during their protest demonstrations against college administration," said Achyut Sharma Aryal, Assistant Campus Chief, of the lack of proper bul letin boards in the college. Though there is one concrete bulletin board at the entrance and one wooden board inside the college, both are in need of maintenance and proper utilisation.
"After removal of all bulletin boards, information dissemina tion has become unmanaged.
Otherwise we would run to the bulletin boards to get any infor mation be it of college, students union or others," said Pramila Sitaula studying BA IIIrd year at Patan Multiple Campus.
"Though our college puts up notices even on the Internet, we find bulletin board as the easiest medium for we have an easy ac cess to it unlike to that of Internet or other sources," said Bishnu Bhattarai, a student studying Bachelor of Civil Engineering IVth year at PEC.
Surya Prasad Adhikari, Deputy Administrator at PEC mentioned, "Though other means are also used to communicate with stu dents, this is the oldest but easiest means to communicate and maintain a connection between college and the students."
A platform for students Besides a place to post notices and information, bulletin boards are the best places for students to showcase their talent. Students also publish weekly, fortnightly or even monthly magazines on such bulletin boards.
Sagarmatha Times in SM College is one such publication published and managed by a team of students. "Our poems, stories and other articles are published in this wall magazine. We have got a kind of exposure through this small initia tive," stated BA Ist year student Dhananjaya Budha.
"Furthermore, students learn the technique of publishing a magazine which also boosts their confidence," clarified Chiranjibi Ghimire, principal of the college.
Accepting the significance of this trend of publishing maga zines on bulletin boards, Aryal said, "My experience has shown that students actively involved in such activities are more creative and forward and develop their confidence too."
Increased usage There are around 40 such bul letin boards in PEC. "We have allo cated separate bulletin boards to each department and student unions besides other common bulletin boards," informed Ad hikari who has "seen increased use of bulletin boards".
"Earlier only the college admin istration used to use the bulletin boards to disseminate informa tion. But these days even students are actively using it."
Then there are the students' unions who make the maximum use of such bulletin boards. "Stu dents union mostly disseminate information about the activities of the union and other announce ments. We provide additional bul letin boards to students' unions during the time of election," he revealed.
Even Ghimire finds active par ticipation of students in using bul letin boards as compared to the past. "Students' awareness level is increasing and further we are mo tivating them to make maximum use of it," he stated.
source: The Himalayan times, 16 march 2011
By referring to the bulletin boards, they can know about the latest activities in the college very easily.
There might not be any college without bulletin boards for it has been serving as an effective and one important means of communication between the college management and students.

"We have never missed any event for not getting timely information as bulletin boards have helped us stay informed all the time," said Sugandha Subedi, who is pursuing Bachelor's of Architecture (B Arch) IIIrd Year at PEC.
Be it the information dissemi nated by college, students' union, or even outsiders, bulletin boards are a major medium to get timely information. "Even if we miss any notice announced in the classroom, we need not worry as we find the same information put up on the bulletin board," opined Kristi Shrestha, a Class XI student from Sagarmatha Multiple (SM) College, Dillibazaar.
Easiest means of communication In the absence of well-maintained bulletin board, Patan Multiple Campus at Patandhoka has been pasting all notices on the white walls of the college. "All bulletin boards were destroyed by the students during their protest demonstrations against college administration," said Achyut Sharma Aryal, Assistant Campus Chief, of the lack of proper bul letin boards in the college. Though there is one concrete bulletin board at the entrance and one wooden board inside the college, both are in need of maintenance and proper utilisation.
"After removal of all bulletin boards, information dissemina tion has become unmanaged.
Otherwise we would run to the bulletin boards to get any infor mation be it of college, students union or others," said Pramila Sitaula studying BA IIIrd year at Patan Multiple Campus.
"Though our college puts up notices even on the Internet, we find bulletin board as the easiest medium for we have an easy ac cess to it unlike to that of Internet or other sources," said Bishnu Bhattarai, a student studying Bachelor of Civil Engineering IVth year at PEC.
Surya Prasad Adhikari, Deputy Administrator at PEC mentioned, "Though other means are also used to communicate with stu dents, this is the oldest but easiest means to communicate and maintain a connection between college and the students."
A platform for students Besides a place to post notices and information, bulletin boards are the best places for students to showcase their talent. Students also publish weekly, fortnightly or even monthly magazines on such bulletin boards.
Sagarmatha Times in SM College is one such publication published and managed by a team of students. "Our poems, stories and other articles are published in this wall magazine. We have got a kind of exposure through this small initia tive," stated BA Ist year student Dhananjaya Budha.
"Furthermore, students learn the technique of publishing a magazine which also boosts their confidence," clarified Chiranjibi Ghimire, principal of the college.
Accepting the significance of this trend of publishing maga zines on bulletin boards, Aryal said, "My experience has shown that students actively involved in such activities are more creative and forward and develop their confidence too."
Increased usage There are around 40 such bul letin boards in PEC. "We have allo cated separate bulletin boards to each department and student unions besides other common bulletin boards," informed Ad hikari who has "seen increased use of bulletin boards".
"Earlier only the college admin istration used to use the bulletin boards to disseminate informa tion. But these days even students are actively using it."
Then there are the students' unions who make the maximum use of such bulletin boards. "Stu dents union mostly disseminate information about the activities of the union and other announce ments. We provide additional bul letin boards to students' unions during the time of election," he revealed.
Even Ghimire finds active par ticipation of students in using bul letin boards as compared to the past. "Students' awareness level is increasing and further we are mo tivating them to make maximum use of it," he stated.
source: The Himalayan times, 16 march 2011