Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited
announces vacancy for the following positions:
1. Position: Assistant Manager
> Level: Managerial
> No.: 1
> Required minimum
academic qualification and experience: Master’s degree or equivalent exam
graduate with minimum 3 years work experience in one lower level position in
bank and financial institution or Bachelor’s degree graduate with minimum 5
years work experience in office level of bank and financial institution.
2. Position: Officer
> Level: Officer
> No.: Few
> Required minimum
academic qualification and experience: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent exam
graduate with minimum 2 years work experience in bank and financial
institution or certificate level/10+2 (intermediate) or equivalent exam
graduate with minimum 4 years work experience in bank and financial
institution. Preference to candidates with motorcycle or scooter license and
work experience in similar position or one lower level position as
Investigation officer.
3. Position: Supervisor
Level: Assistant
> No.: Few
> Required minimum academic
qualification and experience: Certificate level/10+2 (intermediate) or
equivalent exam graduate with minimum 1 year work experience in bank and
financial institution or S.L.C. or equivalent exam graduate with minimum 3
years experience in bank and financial institution. Preference to candidates
with motorcycle or scooter license and work experience in similar position or
one lower level position as Branch Head.
4. Position: Senior Assistant
> Level: Assistant
> No.: Few
> Required minimum
academic qualification and experience: Certificate level/10+2 (intermediate)
or equivalent exam graduate with minimum 1 year work experience in bank and
financial institution or S.L.C. or equivalent exam graduate with minimum 3
years experience in bank and financial institution. Preference to candidates
with motorcycle or scooter license and work experience in similar position or
one lower level position as Branch Head.
5. Position: Assistant
> Level: Assistant
> No.: Few
> Required minimum
academic qualification and experience: S.L.C. or equivalent exam graduate with
work experience in bank and financial institution. Preference to candidates
with motorcycle or scooter license.
6. Position: Trainee Assistant
> Level: Assistant
> No.: Few
> Required minimum
academic qualification and experience: S.L.C. or equivalent exam graduate with
knowledge of finance. Preference to candidates with motorcycle or scooter
- Assistant level: Not exceeding
18 to 35 years (Additional five years in upper limit of age for female
Exam type: Written/Field observation and interview or
any among them or all
Application form to be obtained from:
Institution’s central office, Putali bajar-Suangja, Kohalpur-Banke,
Bharatpur-Chitwan and Hariwan-Sarlahi offices
Exam and interview
location: Institutions Central Office, banepa-13, Sangha, Kavrepalachowk
Exam fee:
Rs.800/- for advertisement no. 1 and 2, Rs.500/- for Advertisement no. 3 to
Application Deadline: November 2, 2022
* vacancy
published on Abhiyan Daily, 10 October, 2022
View official vacancy
notice below for more details and application procedure:

- Management Trainee, Assistant and various positions wanted at Machhapuchchhre Capital Limited; Freshers can APPLY
- SEE Model and Exam Questions
- Lok Sewa Vacancy Calendar 2081-2082 ( All Provinces)
- Bank Vacancy Calendar 2081-82 in Nepal
- Lok Sewa Aayog (PSC) Exam Preparation, Reading Materials, Questions and Answer 2081

Monday, October 10, 2022
Jobs at Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha