Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Vacancy notice from British Council Nepal

The British Council Nepal announces vacancy for the following positions:

1. Position:Grant Manager
The British Council is recruiting for Grant Manager.This post will lead on grant management activities for the European Union (EU) funded TVET PP project, which will be contracted to the British Council through a delegation agreement for implementation to the value of Euro 14.1 million over four years.

Closing date:  UK time: 23:59, 27 June 2017

click [HERE] to view original vacancy for more details and application procedure.

2.Position: Interpreter / Assistant : EU – Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training Reform (TVET PP)
This post will contribute to stakeholder communication for the European Union (EU) funded TVET PP programme, which will be granted to the British Council through a delegation agreement for implementation to the value of Euro 14.1 million over four years.   Communication is embedded into the programme using a multi-faceted strategic approach to support longer-term sustainability: Stakeholder understanding and cooperation at national and local levels Overcoming language barriers to communication Project management tool e.g. reporting, conferences Public relations e.g. media, press, flyers Branding e.g. visual identity, tone and values M&E tool i.e. the narrative and the evidence.

Closing date:  UK time: 23:59, 28 June 2017

click [HERE] to view original vacancy for more details and application procedure.

The Nepal Operation
The British Council has had a presence in Nepal since 1959. The British Council office in Nepal has been active in improving the teaching and learning of English, education sector projects and partnership programs, education promotion, UK examination and policy dialogue activities. British Council has also delivered range of Skills programmes in South Asia.

EU – Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational Education and Training Reform (TVET PP) is a four-year European Union funded project to support Government of Nepal (GoN) and Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training to support TVET sector reform in Nepal. The specific objective of the project is to strengthen and implement more effectively a TVET policy responsive to labour market needs and pilot an integrated Public Private Partnership approach in three key economic sectors:  i) agriculture, ii) construction, and iii) tourism. This will be achieved through project interventions to improve quality of TVET provision and implementation; piloting of innovative PPP approaches to enhance the relevance, quality and sustainability of TVET; and supporting GoN to enhance its capacity and role in TVET system and TVET governance.
