Tribhuvan University Exam controller office, Balkhu has publishes examination routine and examination center notice of PCL Second year 2074 for following faculties
1.Faculty of Education (exam starts on 2074-03-25 and ends on 204-04-18)
2. Faculty of Humanities (exam starts on 2074-03-27 and ends on 204-04-15)
3. Faculty of Management (exam starts on 2074-03-28 and ends on 204-04-11)
4. Faculty of Science & Technology (exam starts on 2074-03-28 and ends on 204-04-12).
The examination time has been set to 7 am - 10 am.
view complete PCL 2nd year 2074 examination routine and exam center notice below:

1.Faculty of Education (exam starts on 2074-03-25 and ends on 204-04-18)
2. Faculty of Humanities (exam starts on 2074-03-27 and ends on 204-04-15)
3. Faculty of Management (exam starts on 2074-03-28 and ends on 204-04-11)
4. Faculty of Science & Technology (exam starts on 2074-03-28 and ends on 204-04-12).
The examination time has been set to 7 am - 10 am.
view complete PCL 2nd year 2074 examination routine and exam center notice below: