Nerude Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd. is registered under the "Company Act 2063" with the Company Registrar's office of Nepal as a micro-finance institution in Biratnagar, Morang District.
The registered code number of this organization is 989/063/64 dated March 4, 2007 (2063.11.10 Bikram Era). Nerude came into existence in May 23, 2007 (2064.02.09) with the establishment of its central office at Biratnagar in Eastern Region of Nepal.
Nerude Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd announces vacancy (publishes on 12 November 2017) for the following position:
1. Position Title: Senior Motivator
> Number of Vacancies: Few
> Level: Assistant Level (2nd) (ka)
> Qualification: 10+2 plus three months computer training
> Age:Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 years
> Examination type: written and interview
2. Position Title: Assistant Motivator
> Number of Vacancies: Few
> Level: Assistant Level (3rd) (ka)
> Qualification: 10+2 plus three months computer training
> Age:Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 years
> Examination type: written and interview
Job Location:
Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Dang, Gulmi, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Makwanpur
Application deadline:
21 days from first vacancy date i.e. 2 December 2017
View vacancy notice below for more details:

Kantipur Daily Newspaper, November 11, 2017
The registered code number of this organization is 989/063/64 dated March 4, 2007 (2063.11.10 Bikram Era). Nerude came into existence in May 23, 2007 (2064.02.09) with the establishment of its central office at Biratnagar in Eastern Region of Nepal.
Nerude Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd announces vacancy (publishes on 12 November 2017) for the following position:
1. Position Title: Senior Motivator
> Number of Vacancies: Few
> Level: Assistant Level (2nd) (ka)
> Qualification: 10+2 plus three months computer training
> Age:Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 years
> Examination type: written and interview
2. Position Title: Assistant Motivator
> Number of Vacancies: Few
> Level: Assistant Level (3rd) (ka)
> Qualification: 10+2 plus three months computer training
> Age:Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 years
> Examination type: written and interview
Job Location:
Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur, Dang, Gulmi, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Makwanpur
Application deadline:
21 days from first vacancy date i.e. 2 December 2017
View vacancy notice below for more details:

Kantipur Daily Newspaper, November 11, 2017