Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tribuvan university Transcipt within a day, त्रिविमा एकै दिनमा ट्रान्सक्रिप्ट (TU)

Office of the Controller of Examinations, Tribhuvan University, today introduced software that would help students acquire their academic transcript within 24 hours after applying for the same.

The OCE has also updated and digitised the details of students of all its constituent and affiliated colleges since 1997 for successful operation of the software.

Inaugurating the software called TU Examination Management and Information System, TU Vice-chancellor Tirtha Raj Khaniya today provided a transcript to a student from Siraha.

Manoj Kumar Singh, a student of education faculty, had applied for transcript this morning. Inaugurating the software, VC Khaniya said, “With the introduction of this system, transcripts will now be provided to students within 24 hours.”

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VC Khaniya also said all records at the university would be digitised within a few years.  The software has been introduced in TU with support from Higher Education Reform Project, which is supported by the World Bank.

Examination Controller Pushpa Raj Joshi said, “The software provides details of students within seconds after entering their names, so chances of duplication will be minimised,” Joshi said.

However, this service has been made available only for students of Bachelors of Education. Officials claimed that students of other faculties would also be provided transcripts within 24 hours by the next convocation. Students are required to fill out a form and submit it to the OCE to acquire transcript.

Examination Controller Joshi said they would soon start electronic system for students to apply for transcripts. He also said that the OCE would open its offices in all the seven provinces.

source: the himalayan times, 28 may 2018
