The examination is going to be held on Ashoj 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2075.
Examination Date & Time:
> MBBS and BNS program
The entrance examination date for MBBS and BNS programs is Ashwin 6, 2075 (Saturday).The Examination will commence from 10 AM on wards
TU IOM Exam Center of Bachelor Entrance Exam for the academic year 2075/2076 BS (2018 AD)
> BDS & BPH program
The entrance examination date for BDS & BPH program is Ashwin 7, 2075 (Sunday).The Examination will commence from 10 AM on wards
> B.Sc Nursing, B.Pharmacy, B.Sc MLT, BAMS, B.Sc MIT, B.Optometry and BASLP program
The entrance examination date for above program is Ashwin 8, 2075 (Monday).The Examination will commence from 10 AM on wards
view official notice below for more details: