Sunday, March 15, 2020

Secondary Level Curriculum of Computer Science Subject (Subjective Exam)

Government of Nepal, Teachers Service Commission has published Secondary Level Curriculum of Subjective Examination- 2076 (Computer Science)

Subject: Computer Science      

Full Marks: 100

Time: 3 Hours

> This curriculum is divided into sections A & Section B.
> Generally from the section, questions will be asked related to pedagogy and integration with contents.
> From section, B questions will be asked covering the cognitive level.
> Separate answer sheets will be used for each section.
> The medium of the language in the written test will be either Nepali or English or both.
> This curriculum will be effective from 2076/12 /02.    

 Section: A
Unit 1. Computer Fundamentals, Number System and Digital Logic

1.1 Fundamentals of computer

1.2 Computer Hardware: An input device, an Output device, Hardware interface, Storage devices

1.3 Computer Architecture, Central processing unit, Control unit, Computer arithmetic, input-output organization, memory organization

1.4 Number system, Binary Arithmetic, Base Conversion

1.5 Boolean Logic and Boolean algebra

1.6 Introduction to the digital system, Logic gates and Boolean algebra, Boolean function

1.7 Concept of Sequential and Combinational Circuits

1.8 Concept of Microprocessor

Unit 2. Computer Application, Multimedia, and Graphics

2.1 Computer software and its classification

2.2 Office Automation application: Word processor, Spread Sheet, and Presentation

2.3 Database packages and its applications

2.4 Concept Multimedia, Component of Multimedia: Text, Graphics, Audio, Video, and Animation

2.5 Application of Multimedia, Computer Graphics (image size, format, and editing)

2.6Use of Computer Application and Multimedia in teaching and learning

Unit 3. Programming Concepts and Object-Oriented Programming

3.1 Programming Language Translators, Pseudocode, Algorithm and Flow chart

3.2 Programming in QBasic, Opening, reading and writing data file, modular programming approach, function and Sub procedure 

3.3 Programming Language types and generations

3.4 C-Programming: Keywords, identifier's, data types, constants and variables, input, output and control statement, functions, array, pointer, structure and file handling concept

3.5Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Class, Object, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance, Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and Java Programming

Unit 4. Web Technology

4.1 Concept of Internet and Email

4.2 Internet technology: WWW, Social Media and Web 2.0, Tire architecture, HTTP

4.3 HTML Tag and web site design concept

4.4 CSS (Inline, embedded and external) and JavaScript

4.5 Concept of PHP and MySQL

4.6Content Management System (CMS) and Practices

Unit 5. Computer Network and Data Communication

5.1 Concept of Telecommunication and Computer Networking

5.2 Data communication and communication System

5.3 Elements of Data Communication/Transmission, Simplex, Half duplex, and Full-duplex communication mode

5.4 Concept of LAN and WAN, Transmission Medium: Guided and Unguided, Elements of Network

5.5 Types of Network, Network Architecture, Topologies, Protocols

5.6 OSI reference model and TCP/IP model

5.7 Network Security, Conventional Encryption, Cryptography, Authentication and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)VPN

Section: B
Unit 6. Data Structure, Algorithm and Database Management System

6.1  Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm

6.2 Stacks, Queues and Lists, Sorting and Searching algorithms, Tree, and Graph

6.3 Concept of Database model: Relational Model, Entity-Relationship Data Model

6.4 DDL, DDL and DCL, Relational Algebra, Structured Query Language (SQL) and Integrity constraints

6.5 Database Normalization (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF)

6.6 Concurrency Control and Transaction Processing

6.7 Database security and recovery

6.8 Concept of Distributed Database, NoSQL, Bigdata, Data warehouse, and data mining

Unit 7. Operating System
7.1 Introduction of Operating System,

7.2 Window operating system and Basic Operation

7.3 Open source operating system and mobile operating system,

7.4 Process management,

7.5 Memory management,

7.6 Storage management,

7.7 System administration using Linux

Unit 8. Software Development and Software Project Management

8.1 Fundamentals of System Analysis and System Design,

8.2 Feasibility Analysis,

8.3 Software process and software development model 

8.4 Requirement Engineering and Software Architecture

8.5 Software Testing, Verification, and Validation

8.6 Software Re-engineering

8.7 Software Project Management: initiation, planning, execution, and closing

Unit 9. Recent Technology, Ethical and Social Issue

9.1 Concept of Cloud Computing: SaSS, PaSS, IaSS

9.2 Concept of Artificial Intelligence: Virtual Reality, IoT, Augmented Reality

9.3 e-Enable Services: E-Governance, e-commerce, e-medicine

9.4 Ethical and Social Issues in ICT: Security threats, Malicious software and Spam, malicious codes, security and ethical challenge, Digital Citizenship, Digital Footprint, Opportunities and threats in Social Media, Digital society and computer ethics, Cybercrime,

9.5 Authentication systems: Password, biometric, Firewalls, Antivirus software,

9.6 Backup System, Hardware Security, Power protection device (Volt guard, Spike guard, UPS)

9.7 Intellectual Property Right, Concept of Digital Signature, Cyberlaw in Nepal

Unit 10. ICT in Education

10.1 ICT Education and ICT in Education

10.2 Learning theory and practices: Constructivism, Connectivism, Network, PBL

10.3 E-learning and ICT Education pedagogy: e-learning Concept and Characteristics, ICT integrated lessons, ICT in Assessment,

10.4 e-Learning 3.0 and ICT educational tools

10.5 Learning Management System: MOODLE based learning Management system

10.6 ICT for Teacher Professional Development, Teachers ICT competencies

10.7 ICT in Education in ICT policy in Nepal and Digital Nepal Framework


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