Monday, August 25, 2014

HSEB Exam Results 2071 2014 Science, Management: Guardians picket HSEB demanding early results

BHAKTAPUR: Guardians of Grade XII students today picketed the office of the Higher Secondary Education Board demanding that the board publish the results of Grade XII exams at the earliest.

Suprabhat Bhandari, president, Guardians Association Nepal, said that delay by HSEB to publish Grade XII results could result in loss of a year for students, as many universities within the country and abroad have already started classes for bachelor’s level.

The Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, has already conducted entrance exams for Bachelor’s in Engineering and Bachelor’s of Architecture.

“Calendars followed by universities are not in sync,” he said. “Students have to suffer due to lack of coordination between government bodies and universities.”

As per existing rules, the HSEB should publish results within 90 days of exam, but this time the board has overshot the deadline. Grade XII exams were held on May 2 this year, going by which the results should have been out by the second week of August.

Uttam Dev Bista, Deputy Controller, HSEB, said the board was planning to publish results within a week. He attributed the delay to ‘some technical glitches’.

“Last year results were published by the end of Shrawan (mid-August), but this year results got delayed for various reasons including a strike by examiners,” said Bista.

According to Bista, results of science stream will be published first and results of other streams will be published accordingly.

Guardians have said that the will continue to picket the HSEB office to press officials to publish the results at the earliest.

source:the himalayan times,25 august 2014
