Khiji Demba Gaupalika, Okhaldhunga under Government of Nepal announces vacancy (published on 12 Nov 2018, Annapurna Post) for the following positions:
1.Position Title: IT Officer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
2.Position Title: Civil Engineer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
3.Position Title: Sub-Engineer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
Application fee for all positions: Rs. 1000/-
Application Deadline: 26 November 2018
* vacancy published on Annapurna Post, 12 November 2018
view official vacancy notice below for more details:

1.Position Title: IT Officer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
2.Position Title: Civil Engineer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 21 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
3.Position Title: Sub-Engineer
> No. of Vacancy: 1
Age Limit:
- Male: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 35 yrs
- Female: Should have completed 18 yrs and should not exceed 40 yrs
Lok Sewa Aayog : Exam preparation guides, Questions answer & Reading materials
Application fee for all positions: Rs. 1000/-
Application Deadline: 26 November 2018
* vacancy published on Annapurna Post, 12 November 2018
view official vacancy notice below for more details: