Thursday, December 2, 2021

NEB Class 12 Results 2078 with Marksheet

National Examinations Board (NEB) has published the results of the Grade 12 Examination that was held on Bhadra 30, 2078.

Statistics of Last year NEB Class 12 Results 2077

National Examination Board (NEB) has published results of Grade 12 on 1 February 2021 . Out of 310,316 students under the regular category, 6,916 students secured between 3.61 – 4.0 GPA while 38,480 students secured 3.21 – 3.60 GPA. Similarly, 76,841 students secured 2.81-3.20 GPA whereas, 1,09,312 students secured 2.41 – 2.80 GPA. Likewise, 52,427 students secured between 2.10- 2.40 GPA; 7,164 students secured between 1.61 – 2.0 GPA; 333 students secured between 1.21-1.60 GPA; 4 students secured between 0.81-1.20 GPA; and 18,839 students secured 0.00-0.80 GPA.

How to check NEB Grade 12 Results ?

Students can view the results of NEB Grade 12  via various official websites, SMS Service, IVR.

click [ HERE ] for ways to view NEB Grade 12 Results

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Grade and Marks Obtained
Students scoring 90 to 100 are given A+ while A to students scoring 80 to 89. Similarly, B+ to those scoring between 70 to 79, B to scores between 60 and 69, C+ to scores between 50 and 59, and C to scores between 40 and 49. Grade D+ will be given to scores in between 30 to 39 while D to those 20 to 29. Students scoring 0 to 19 are given E grade. 2078 2077 NEB Result 2078 class 12 2078 result 2078 2021 Neb Class 12 Results 2021 how to see Class 12 Result 2078 Class 12 Gradesheet
