Admission Open for Masters Programs Under Faculty of Science and
Technology - Pokhara University
Pokhara University, Faculty of
Science and Technology announces admission in the following programs for the
academic year 2023:
> Master of Computer Engineering
MSc Information System Engineering
> MSc in Computer Science
MSc in Transportation Engineering and Management
> MSc in Natural
Resources Management
> MSc in Interdisciplinary Water Resources
> MSc in Environmental Science and Management
Master of Science in Construction Management
Key Details:
> Application form fee for fee-paying: NRs 2500
Application form fee for the scholarship: NRs 2000
> Examination
starts from: Baisakh 30, 2080 (May 13, 2022)
Application Deadline:
> Date of application submission starts: Baisakh 12, 2080 (April 25,
> Last date for application submission: Baisakh 26, 2080 (May 9,
> The information regarding Eligibility
Criteria, Quota distribution, Entrance Curriculum, Entrance guideline and
Pokhara University Scholarship Rule can be found in university website:
> The application fee for fee-paying (in one category) is Rs.2500
(Two thousand and five hundreds only) and for Scholarship (in one category) is
Rs.2000 (Two thousand only).
> Candidates are requested to deposit
application fee in accounts of Faculty of Science & Technology PU of
Kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Ltd A/c No. 01713400026667000007.The student can also
make online payments in the above accounts.
> For the scholarship,
only those who have not completed more than 3 years from the date of
graduation till 2080/01/26 can submit an application.
For further
information: Please Contact FST Dean's Office at Tel: +977-61504075,
9846260227, and 9846142948 (for technical support).
undergraduate students (of Pokhara University) who have passed all the courses
up to 7th Semester & appeared in the 8th Semester exam can apply for
provisional admission.
View official notice below:

Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Pokhara University, Faculty of Science and Technology Admission notice for Master's Level Programs