The BBS fourth-year final project of Tribhuvan University is the culmination of academic learning and
practical application, and it serves as a capstone experience for integrating
theoretical knowledge into real-world business scenarios. This project
allows students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the program's
various disciplines while also applying analytical, problem-solving, and
presentation skills to significant business challenges.
Evaluation of Project Work Report
Once the project reports have been submitted by the students,the
Research Committee should make necessary arrangements for the evaluation of
the project report. The Faculty of Management, in order to promote consistency
among evaluators, has set the various criteria for marking the project
Format of the Main Body of Project Work Report
A BBS Fourth Year project work report shall have the following three
Chapter 1 - Introduction: background; profile of the
organization, events, activities, etc; objectives of the study; rational;
method of the study; review of literature; limitations of the study.
2 - Results and Analysis: presentation of results and findings of project
Chapter 3 – Summary and Conclusion – a brief summary of the
report, and conclusion based on the findings of the report.
Some of the Tribhuvan University BBS 4th Year Project Report titles are as
Page 1
- Analysis of Deposit Collection and Its Mobilization of Sanima Bank Limited
- Distribution Management of Pabitra Dairy Industry, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Fixed Deposit Analysis and Its &tilization of Citizens Bank International Limited
- Sales Analysis of S.S. Enterprises an Authorized Distributor of Pepsi Cola Company, Tilottama-3, Rupandehi
- Deposit Mobilization of +arima Bikas Bank Limited
- Liquidity Management Analysis of Prab#u Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Deposit of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Cost Management Practices of Manufacturing Companies in But!al Industrial Estate, Rupandehi, (with Reference to butwal Plastic Industry and Pooja Plastic Industry)
- Cash Management of Commercial Banks, (With reference to Nabil Bank Limited and Everest Bank Limited)
- Loan and Deposit Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited
- Cost Analysis of Puja Plastic Industry, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Insurance Premium Collection and Claim Settlement of Shikhar Insurance Company Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Investment of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Deposit Collection and Its Mobilization of Nepal Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Deposit (With reference to NMB Bank Limited and Himalayan Bank Limited)
- Effect of Interest Rate on Profitability of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- Risk And Return Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited
- Loan Portfolio Management of Commercial Banks in Nepal ( With reference to Mega Bank Nepal Limited and Janata Bank Nepal Limited)
- Financial Performance of Development Banks in Butwal (with reference to Tinau Development Bank Limited and Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited)
Page 2
- Sales Analysis of Rita Auto Parts Butwal, Rupandehi
- Effect of Promotional Activities on Sales of Lumbini Kitchen Ware Pvt. Ltd. Butwal, Rupandehi
- Capital Structure and Profitability of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited
- Guest Satisfaction of Hotel New Era, Butwal, Rupandechi
- Promotional Activities of Global IME Bank Limited
- Leverage Ratio Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
- Analysis on Purchase and Distribution Channel of Panchakanya Steel Pvt. Ltd., Kotihawa, Rupandehi
- Effect of Interest Rate on Lending of Commercial Banks (With Reference To Janata Bank Nepal and Nepal Investment Bank Limited)
- Investment Analysis of Commercial Banks(With Reference To Nabil Bank Limited and Nepal SBI Bank Limited)
- Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Shakti Noodles Industry, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Production and Supply Analysis of Shiva Candle Udyog, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Financial Performance (Camel Model) Analysis of Everest Bank Limited and Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Sales Analysis of Pathak Food Product?, Shankarnagar Rupandei
- Debt Ratio and Profitability Analysis of Siddhartha Bank Limited? Butwal, Rupandehi
- BEP Analysis of Pooja Plastic Industry? Butwal, Rupandehi
- Analysis on Collection and Management of Funds of EIC Asia Bank Limited
- An EValuation on Financial Performance of Nepal Investment Bank Limited? Butwal, Rupandei
- Purchase and Distribution Pattern of Usha Marbles and Sanitary Suppliers, Butwal, Rupandei
- Interest Rate on Deposit of Nabil Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Investment of Bank of Kathmandu Limited
- Sales Analysis of Pashupati Plastic Industry Pvt.Ltd., Butwal, Rupandehi
- Purchasing and Selling Activities of Safalsandesh Stationery, Devdaha, Rupandehi
- Loan and Deposit Analysis of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- Assets And Liabilities Management of Agriculture Development Bank Limited, Palpa, Branch
- A Study on Operating Cost and Profitability of Global IME Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
Page 3
- Financial Performance Analysis of Gurans Life Insurance Company Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Working Capital Management of Sunrise Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Resource Mobilization (With Respect to Industrial Sector) of Global IME Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Lending Status of Tinau Development Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- An Analysis on the Capital Structure and Performance Appraisal of NMB Bank Limited, Bhalwari, Rupandehi
- Rural Marketing Strategies Adopted by CG Food Product, Palpa Road, Rupandehi
- A Study on Earning Status of Nepal SBI Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Saving Deposit Analysis of Prabhu Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- An Analysis on Loan Management of Tinau Development Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Capital Structure Management of kamana Sewa Bikas Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Profit Chain Analysis of Siddhartha Insurance Company Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Comparative Study on Investment Management of NIC Asia Bank Limited and Standard Chartered Bank Nepal Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Lending Practices of Tinau Development Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Credit Management Practices of Nepal Investment Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Fixed Deposit Status of NIC Asia Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Pricing Strategies of Pavitra Store, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi
- A Study on Dividend Distribution System of janata Bank Nepal Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Financial Performance Analysis of Himalayan Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Investment and Profit Analysis of Gandaki Bikas Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Deposit and Loan Management of Fewa Development Bank Limited, Butwal Branch
- Cost And Benefit Analysis of kalika Cinema Hall, Butwal, Rupandehi
Page 4
- Insurance Premium Collection and Claim Settlement of Asian Life Insurance Company Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Assets And Liabilities Management of Janata Bank Nepal Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on the Change of Interest Rate and Operating Cost Analysis of Shine Resunga Development Bank, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Production Analysis of Malika Bhuja Udyog, Sainamaina-8, Rupandehi
- A Study on Cash Management System of Janata Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Performance Appraisal of Sanima Bank Limited, Butwal Branch, Rupandehi
- A Study on Profitability And Interest Rate Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited, Butwal Branch
- Loan Approval Process ff NMB Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Operating Cost And Profitability of NMB Bank Limited, Pharsatikar, Rupandehi
- A Study on Sales And Profit Trend Analysis of Sagarmatha Automobiles, Butwal, Rupandehi
- An Analysis on Financial Performance of NIC Asia Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Credit Risk Management of NMB Bank Limited, Sainamaina, Rupandehi
- Financial Performance Evaluation of Nepal Life Insurance Company Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- A Study on Debt Equity Management of NMB Bank Limited, Sainamaina-3, Rupandehi
- A Study on Capital Structure of NMB Bank Limited, Murgiya, Rupandehi
- Loan Lending Policy and Procedure of NMB Bank Limited
- Liquidity and Profitability Analysis of Laxmi Bank Limited
- A Study on Total Deposit and Its Utilization of Janata Bank Nepal Limited
- A Study on Profitability Analysis of Shikhar Insurance Company limited
- Financial Performance (CAMEL MODEL) Analysis of Everest Bank Limited and Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- A Study on Financial Performance Appraisal of Himalayan Bank Limited
- A Study on Deposit Mobilization of 5amana Sewa Bikash Bank Limited
- Liquidity and Profitability Analysis of Lumbini General Insurance Company Limited
- Evaluation of Mutual Fund Performance of
- Non Performing Loan and Its Impacts on Profitability of NMB Bank Limited
- Effect on Central Bank Policy In Bank Profitability with Reference To Nabil Bank Limited
- An Evaluation on Cash Management of NIC Asia Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Analysis on Liquidity Management ff Commercial Bank's In Nepal (With Reference To Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited And Prime Commercial Bank Limited)
- Interest Margin on Profitability of Citizen Bank International Limited and Prime Commercial Bank Limited
- A Comparative Study on Financial Performance of Kumari Bank Limited and Global IME Bank Limited
- An Analysis of Interest Rate on Deposit and Investment of Sunrise Bank Limited
- An Analysis of Dividend Policy on Profitability of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Investment Policy of Commercial Banks In Nepal (With Reference To Laxmi Bank Limited and NIC Asia Bank Limited)
- Bonus Share Issue And Stock Price of Commercial Banks In Nepal, (With Reference To Everest Bank Limited And Himalayan Bank Limited)
- Effect of Operating Leverage on Profitability of Mega Bank Nepal Limited
- Working Capital Management of Commercial Banks In Nepal (With Reference To Kumari Bank Limited And Nepal Investment Bank Limited)
- A Comparative Study on Debt Management And Profitability Analysis of Civil Bank Limited
- Capital Structure And Cost of Capital of Kumari Bank Limited
- Debt Management Analysis of Bank of Kathmandu Limited
- Comparative Analysis of Loan Lending And Eecovery Policy of Tinau Development Bank Limited And Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited
- A Comparative Study of Interest Rate And Its Effects on Deposit of Bank of Kathmandu Limited And NMB Bank Limited
- An Analysis of Liquidity Management of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited
- Capital Structure and Effect on Profitability of Nabil Bank Limited
- An Evaluation on Cash Management of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Dividend Policy on Market Price of Sanima Bank Limited
- Analysis on Purchase And Distribution Channel of Panchakanya Pvt. Ltd., Kotihawa, Rupandehi
- Promotional Strategy of Bottlers Nepal Limited (With Reference To Coca-Cola)
- Effect of Interest Rate on Investment of Kumari Bank Limited
- Credit Management System of Purnima Bikas Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Profitability of Garima Bikas Bank Limited
- Effect of Inflation on Deposit of NMB Bank Limited
- Assets Liability Management of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Lending of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Deposit Collection and Its Mobilization of Shine Resunga DeVelopment Bank Limited
- Fixed Deposit Analysis And Its Utilization of Citizens Bank International Limited
- Loan and Deposit Analysis of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Sanima Bank Limited
- Interest Rate on Deposit of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Distribution Channel Management of Shakti Noodles Industry Private Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Consumer Attitude Towards Shopping Complex In Butwal, (With Reference To Singh Complex)
- Customer Satisfaction And Quality Service of Hotel New Era, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Collection And Distribution Policy of Gaire Milk Product, Nayamil, Rupandehi
- Effect of Interest Rate on Deposit And Profitability of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Guest Satisfaction of Tiger Palace Resort and Casino, Kotihawa, Rupandehi
- Effect of Promotional Activities on Sales of Lumbini Kitchen Ware Pvt. Ltd., Butwal, Rupandehi
- Brand Loyalty Analysis on Noodles of CG Product
- Profitability And Deposit Analysis of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Financial Analysis of Agriculture Development Bank Limited
- Capital Structure And Cost of Capital pf NIC Asia Bank Limited
- Loan Investment And Recovery Policy of Global IME Bank Limited
- Effect of Interest Rate on Investment of Bank of Kathmandu Limited
- Purchase And Distribution Pattern of Usha Marbles And Sanitary Suppliers, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Loan And Deposit Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited
- Consumer Attitude Towards Shopping Complex In Butwa
- Interest Rate on Deposit of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Promotional Strategy of Bottlers Nepal Limited (With Reference To Coca-Cola)
- A Comparati2e Study on Financial Performance Analysis of Everest Bank Limited And Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- A Comparati2e Study on Financial Performance Analysis of Tinau Development Bank Limited And Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited
- Reco2ery Process Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
- Financial Statement Analysis of Asian Life Insurance Company Limited
- Loan Approval Process of Mega Bank Limited
- Cash Flow Statement Analysis of NMB Bank Limited
- A Comparati2e Financial Performance Analysis of TDBL and SRDBL
- Credit Management of Himalayan Bank Limited and Nabil Bank Limited
- Deposit and Collection and Its Mobilization of Sanima Bank Limited
- Debt Ratio and Profitability Analysis of Siddhartha Bank Limited
- Deposit Mobilization of Commercial Banks in Nepal
- Credit Portfolio Management in Nepalese Commercial Banks in Nepal
- Deposit Growth and Profitability of Commercial Banks in Nepal
- Service Quality Assessment in Public Transport
- Sales and Distribution System of Nepal Coffee Company Limited
- Performance Evaluation of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Risk and Return Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited
- Capital Structure and Bank Performance of Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited
- Evaluating the Credit Risk Measurement Practices of Commercial Banks in Nepal (Nepal Investment Bank Limited and Nabil Bank Limited)
- Profitability Analysis of Commercial Banks in Nepal (Nabil Bank Limited and Nepal SBI Bank Limited)
- Capital Structure and Corporate Performance (Everest Bank Limited and Nepal InVestment Bank Limited)
- Determinants of Lending Interest Rate of (Nepal Investment Bank Limited and NMB Bank Limited)
- Factor Affecting Profitability of Sanima Bank Limited
- Factor Affecting Performance of Commercial Bank in Nepal (Himalayan Bank Limited and Laxmi Bank Limited)
- Relationship bet!een Promotion on Takeraj Suppliers, Manglapur, Rupandehi
- Capital Structure and Commercial Bank Profitability of Nepal (Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited and Mega Bank 1epal Limited)
- Cash Management of NIC Asia Bank Limited and Laxmi Bank Limited
- Factor Affecting Commercial Bank Profitability (Kumari Bank Limited & Global IME Bank Limited)
- financial Performance of Joint Venture and Domestic Private Banks in Nepal
- Financial Performance Analysis of Development Bank in Rupandehi (Tinau Development Bank & Shine Resunga)
- Determinants of Dividend Payment of Janata Bank Nepal Limited
- A Financial Ratio Analysis of Commercial Bank Performance (Himalayan Bank Limited and Siddhartha Bank Limited)
- Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Kumari Bank Limited and Global IME Bank Limited
- Financial Performance of Agriculture Development Bank Limited
- Liquidity and Profitability Position of NIC Asia Bank Limited
- Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Nepal (Nepal Investment Bank Limited and Everest Bank Limited)
- Financial Performance of Private Commercial Banks in Nepal (Century Commercial Bank Limited and Prime Commercial Bank Limited)
- Assets Liability Management of Commercial Banking Sector (SANIMA, MEGA, LBL, EBL & CZBIL)
- Deposit Collection and Its Mobilization of Nepal Bank Limited
- Risk and Return Analysis of Nepal SBI Bank Limited
- Brand Loyalty on Cigarette Smokers in Butwal
- Lending Policy Analysis of Everest Bank Limited
- Job Employees Satisfaction of Prabhu Bank Limited
- Credit Risk Management Practices of NMB Bank Limited
- Performance Analysis of Commercial Banks in Nepal (NIC Asia Bank Limited and Machhapuchchhre Bank Limited)
- Sales Analysis of Pathak Food Product, Tilottama, Rupandehi
- Investment and Profit Analysis of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Investment and Profit Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
- An Analysis of Interest Rate on Investment Mobilization of Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited
- Analysis of Loan Portfolio of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Financial Leverage of NMB Bank Limited and Siddhartha Bank Limited
- Deposit Analysis and Profitability of Sanima Bank Limited
- Collection And Distribution Policy of Parroha Dudh Dairy Udyog, Murgiya, Rupandehi
- Non-Performing Loan And It's Impact's on Profitability of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Leverage Ratio Analysis of Nabil Bank Limited
- Effect of Promotional Activities on Sales of Lumbini Kitchen Ware Pvt. Ltd., Butwal, Rupandehi
- Analysis of Promotional Activities of Takeraj Suppliers, Manglapur, Rupandehi
- Atm Service of Customer Satisfaction In Butwal
- Cash Management Analysis 6f Laxmi Bank Limited
- Production And Supply Analysis of Shiva Candle Udyog, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Profitability Ratio Analysis of Sanima Bank Limited
- Pricing Method of Kanchan Mineral Water Supply Industries, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Effect of Central Bank Policy In Bank Profitability With Reference To Nabil Bank Limited
- Deposit Collection And Its Mobilization of Sanima Bank Limited
- Distribution Channel Management of Shakti Noodles Industry Private Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Working Capital Management of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Assets Management of Agriculture Development Bank Limited
- Employees Job Satisfaction of Prabhu Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Analysis on Interest Rate And Deposit of Nabil Bank Limited
- Market Coverage Channel of Usha Aluminium Industries, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Housing Loan Practice Of NIC Asia Bank Limited
- Service Quality Assessment In Public Transport of Butwal
- Insurance Premium Collection And Claim Settlement of Shikhar Insurance Company Limited
- Consumer Attitude Towards Shopping Complep In Butwal (With Reference To Singh Complex)
- Effect of Interest Rate on Deposit of Sunrise Bank Limited
- Analysis on Collection And Management of Funds of NIC Asia Bank Limited
- Brand Loyalty Analysis on Noodles of CG Product
- Rural Marketing Strategies Adopted By CG Food Product, Palpa Road, Rupandehi
- Sales Analysis of Rita Auto Parts, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Break Even Analysis of Mahakali Plastic Udyog, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Guest Satisfaction of New Era Hotel, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Inventory Control System of Bhairav Diesel, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Credit Risk Management of NMB Bank Limited, Sainamaina, Rupandehi
- Quality Management of Black Forest Bakery And Dairy Product, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Loan Analysis of NMB Bank Limited
- Service Analysis of City Cyber Communication, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Procurement Policy of Aman Plastic Industry Pvt. Ltd., Butwal, Rupandehi
- Earning From Advertising of Radio Namaste And Media Pvt. Ltd., Butwal, Rupandehi
- Saving Deposit Analysis of NMB Bank Limited
- Fixed Deposit Analysis of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- A Study on Credit Management Practice of Nepal Investment Bank Limited
- Liquidity Management of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- A Study on Operating Cost And Profitability of Global IME Bank Limited, Butwal, Rupandehi
- Impact of Interest Rate Change on Profitability of Tinau Development Bank Limited
- Consumer Perception Towards Shopping Complex In Butwal
- A Study on Financial Position of Nirantar Mahila Bachat Tatha Rin Sahakari Sastha Limited
- Investment and Profitability Analysis of Garima Bikas Bank Limited
- Financial Position of Nabil Bank Limited and NIC Asia Bank Limited
- An Analysis of Dividend Policy on Its Profitability of NIC Asia Bank Limited
- Capital Structure and Profitability of Janata Bank Nepal Limited
- Dividend Policy and Profitability of Standard Chartered Bank Limited
- A Comparative Study on Dividend Distribution System of Tinau Development Bank Limited and Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited
- An Evaluation on Cash Management of NIC Asia Bank Limited? Butwal, Rupandehi
- Cash Management of Commercial Banks (With Reference To Nabil Bank Limited and Everest Bank Limited)
- Cash Management Practice of Manufacturing Company in Rupandehi District
- An Analysis of Interest Rate on Deposit of Eerest Bank Limited
- Customer Satisfaction towards Coca-cola
- Consumer Buying behaviour in General Store
- Customer Satisfaction towards Retail Fancy Stores at Butwal
- Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising
- Interest Rate on Deposit of Everest Bank Limited
- Capital Structure and Profitability of Shine Resunga Development Bank Limited
Topics of BBS 4th Year Project Report [Finance Group]
1. A Situational Analysis of Customer Service and Loan Activities
2. Assets Liabilities Management
3. Capital Structure
4. Capital Structure and Commercial Bank Profitability of Nepal
5. Capital Structure and Corporate Performance/Cost of Capital/Profitability
6. Capital Structure and its Impact on the Value of the firm
7. Capital Structure and Performance Appraisal
8. Capital Structure of Loan and Loan Approval System
9. Cash Flow Statement Analysis
10. Cash Management
11. Cash Management of Commercial Bank in Nepal
12. Credit Analysis
13. Credit Analysis and Recovery Management
14. Credit Appraisal System
15. Credit Lending Procedures and Recovery Policy
16. Credit Management/Practices/System
17. Credit Portfolio Management In Nepalese Commercial Banks In Nepal
18. Credit Risk Exposure and Performance Of Banking Sector
19. Credit Risk Management
20. Credit Risk Management Practices
21. Debt Ratio and Profitability
22. Deposit Analysis/ Collection/ Mobilization/Scheme
23. Deposit Collection and its Mobilization
24. Deposit Collection Scheme and Its Performance
25. Deposit Growth and Profitability
26. Deposit Mobilization and its uses
27. Deposit Mobilization and Profitability
28. Deposit Pattern and Its Mobilization/Utilization
29. Deposit Trend Analysis on Investment
30. Deposit Trend and Saving Mobilization
31. Determinants of Stock Market Performance in Nepal
32. Dividend Policy
33. Dividend Policy and Profitability
34. Dividend Policy on Market Price
35. Earning Status
36. Effect of Assets Liabilities Management
37. Effect of Bank Merger In Nepal
38. Effect of Capital Structure on the Profitability
39. Effect of Central Bank Policy in Bank Profitability
40. Effect of Credit Management on Performance of Commercial Banks In Nepal
41. Effect of Debt Management of Profitability and Liquidity
42. Effect of Inflation on Deposit
43. Effect of Interest Rate on Deposit/Investment/Lending/Profitability
44. Effect of Liquidity on the Market Value of Commercial Bank in Nepal
45. Effect of Remittance in Gross Domestic Product Growth of Nepal
46. Effect on Operating Leverage and Profitability
47. Effect on Stock Price of Bonus Share of Commercial Banks In Nepal
48. Evaluating the Credit Risk Management Practices of Commercial Banks in Nepal
49. Evolution of Bank Lending And Credit Management in Nepal
50. Factor Affecting Commercial Bank’s Profitability
51. Factor Affecting Performance of Commercial Bank in Nepal
52. Factor Affecting Performance/Competitions/Profitability
53. Financial Analysis/Performance/Status/Position/Statement/Management
54. Financial Leverage and Investment Policy
55. Financial Performance Analysis of Private Commercial Banks of Nepal
56. Financial Performance Appraisal
57. Financial Performance of (Any bank) Using Financial Ratio
58. Financial Performance of Joint Venture and Domestic Private Banks in Nepal
59. Firms Value and Profitability
60. Fixed Deposit
61. Fixed Deposit and Its Utilization
62. Fund Mobilization
63. Growth and Development of Insurance Industry in Nepal
64. Housing Loan/Home Loan/Housing Loan Management
65. Impact of Budgetary Control Process on Financial Performance of Banking Sector in Nepal
66. Impact of Capital Structure on Commercial Bank Profitability
67. Impact of Cash Management on Profitability
68. Impact of Interest Rate Change on Profitability
69. Impact of Interest Rate on Deposit of Commercial Banks
70. Income Analysis
71. Insurance Premium Collection and Claim Settlement
72. Interest Rate on Deposit/Investment/Profitability/Investment Mobilization
73. Investment and Portfolio/Profit
74. Investment Policy/Analysis
75. Investor Attitude Towards Dividend Distribution Policy
76. Lending and Deposit
77. Lending and Recovery Management
78. Lending Policy/Analysis/Position/Analysis
79. Lending Procedure and Collection
80. Leverage Ratio
81. Liquidity and Profitability
82. Liquidity Position and Lending Portfolio
83. Liquidity Position/Analysis/Management/Ratio
84. Loan And Deposit Analysis
85. Loan and its Effect on Profitability
86. Loan Approval Process
87. Loan Disbursement and Repayment System
88. Loan Distribution and Recovery
89. Loan Investment and Recovery Policy
90. Loan Lending Policy and Procedure
91. Loan Management/Analysis
92. Loan Mobilization and Its Effects on Profitability
93. Loan Portfolio Management
94. Loan Recovery Policy
95. Market Interest Rate and Profitability
96. Mobilization of Funds
97. Non Performing Loan and It's Impacts on Profitability
98. Operating Cost and Profitability
99. Premium Collection and Claim Settlement
100. Profitability Analysis/ Management
101. Profitability and Deposit/Dividend Policy/Liquidity Analysis
102. Ratio Analysis/Financial Ratio Analysis
103. Recovery Process Analysis
104. Relationship between Bonus Share Issue and Stork Price
105. Relationship between Profitability and Liquidity Ratio
106. Resource Mobilization
107. Risk and Return Analysis
108. Risk and Return Analysis on Common Stock
109. Risk and Return on Common Stock Investment
110. Saving Account Interest Rate Fluctuation
111. Saving And Handling The System
112. Saving and Lending Position
113. Saving Deposit Analysis
114. Saving Deposit Analysis on Profitability
115. Sources of Funds and Its Uses
116. Structure of Loan and Loan Approval System
117. The Impact of Liquidity on Profitability in Banking Sector of Nepal
118. Total Deposit and Its Mobilization/Its Utilization
119. Use of Financial Reporting In Assessing In Bank Performance
120. Working Capital and Debt Ratio
121. Working Capital Management
[Marketing Group]
1. ATM Service & Customers Satisfaction
2. Banking Service Provided
3. Brand Loyalty/Preference
4. Buying Behavior of Consumers in General Stores
5. Consumer Attitude Towards Mobile Advertising
6. Consumer Perception Towards Shopping Complex
7. Consumer Response to Retailer behaviour on Hardware
8. Consumer Satisfaction
9. Customer Satisfaction and Quality Service
10. Customer Satisfaction in Fancy Store
11. Customer Satisfaction towards Coca-cola
12. Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping
13. Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employees Performance
14. Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance
15. Employees Job Satisfaction
16. Employees Participation in Decision Making
17. Employees Satisfaction/Turnover
18. Family Influence on Student Choice of College
19. Guest Satisfaction
20. Human Resource Recruitment and Selection Process
21. Human Resources Turnover
22. Parents Perception Towards the Use of Social Media Networking
23. Perception Toward Packing On Consumer Buying Behaviour Decision
24. Practice of ATM and Its Impact on Banking Services
25. Practice of SMS Banking and Its Impact on Deposit
26. Role of the Party Palaces
27. Rural Marketing Strategies Adopted
28. Service Gap in Development Bank
29. Service Quality Assessment in Public Transport
30. Advertising Activity/Effectiveness
31. Break Even Analysis
32. Buying and Selling Activities
33. Collection & Distribution Policies
34. Cost Classification & Estimation Analysis
35. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
36. Demand Analysis
37. Demand and Supply Process
38. Distribution Channel/Management/System
39. Education Quality
40. Effect of Remittance on Education
41. Effectiveness of Promotional Activities
42. Inventory Control System
43. Item Production
44. Location Selection
45. Manufacturing Activities
46. Market Area/Market Coverage Channel
47. Pricing Decision/Method/Policy/Practice
48. Pricing Practice
49. Product Analysis/Types
50. Production
51. Production Activities/Analysis
52. Production and Distribution/Sales Analysis/Supply System
53. Profit Analysis
54. Promotion Mix/Strategies/Activities/Analysis/Expenses
55. Promotional and Effect of Demand
56. Promotional Expenditure and Sales Performance
57. Purchase & Sales Analysis/Management/Selling Activities
58. Purchase Analysis/Decision
59. Purchase and Distribution Pattern
60. Quality Management
61. Sales Analysis/Trend/Policy/Procedure
62. Sales and Distribution (System/Management/Analysis)
63. Sales Management Strategies
64. Service Analysis
65. Teaching And Non Teaching Staff
66. Vehicle Sales
67. Water Distribution System
Topics of BBS 4th Year Project Report [Account Group]
1. Accounting Information and Management Decision In Medium Scale Industry
2. Accounting Information System and Organizational Performance
3. Accounting System and Accountants Ethics in Trading Organization
4. Accounting System in Financial Institution
5. Break Even Analysis
6. Capital Budget Practices of Manufacturing Industry
7. Cash Flow Management and Liquidity of Plastic Industry
8. Cash Management Practice and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
9. Cash Management Practice of Development Banks
10. Cash Management Practice of Manufacturing Company
11. Comparative Study on Management of Working Capital and Debt Capital
12. Contribution of Customs Duty in Tax Structure of Nepal
13. Cost Accounting Information and Price Determination
14. Cost Accounting Management Practice and Profitability
15. Cost Accounting Practices
16. Cost Analysis
17. Cost and Benefit Analysis
18. Cost Classification & Estimation Analysis
19. Cost Management Practices in Manufacturing Companies
20. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
21. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
22. Impact of Accounting Ethics on the Practice of Accounting
23. Impact of Budgetary Control Process on Financial Performance of Banking Sector In Nepal
24. Profit Planning and Control System
25. Sales Effective and Profit

- Province Lok Sewa Aayog, Sudurpaschim Province, announces vacancy for 8th and 9th Level Technical and Non-Technical Positions
- SEE Model and Exam Questions
- Lok Sewa Vacancy Calendar 2081-2082 ( All Provinces)
- Bank Vacancy Calendar 2081-82 in Nepal
- Lok Sewa Aayog (PSC) Exam Preparation, Reading Materials, Questions and Answer 2081

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Tribhuvan University BBS 4th Year Project Report Writing Titles and Guidelines