Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Vacancy from Sparsha Microfinance

Sparsha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. announces vacancy for the following positions:

1. Position: Branch Manager
> Level: Officer/ Assistant
> No. of vacancies: Few
> Qualification: Bachelor

2. Position: Sr. Assistant/ Assistant/ Jr. Assistant
> Level: Officer/ Assistant
> No. of vacancies: Few
> Qualification: +2

3. Position: Trainee Assistant
> Level: Assistant
> No. of vacancies: Few
> Qualification: SLC/ SEE


Officer Level:
- Male: Should have completed 21 yr and should not exceed 40 yr
- Female: Should have completed 21 yr and should not exceed 40 yr

Assistant Level:
- Male: Should have completed 18 yr and should not exceed 35 yr
- Female: Should have completed 18 yr and should not exceed 40 yr

Application Deadline: 2076/ 12/ 20 (2 April 2020)
view original vacancy for more details:

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