In addition to the foundation and core Information Technology courses, Bachelors in Information Technology (BIT) offers several elective courses to meet the undergraduate academic program requirement and to fulfill the demand for development and implementation of new technology.
Students enrolled in the four year BIT program of Tribhuvan University are required to take foundation and core courses of Information technology, courses of mathematics, statistics, management, economics, sociology, psychology, research methodology and technical writing, and some elective courses.
All undergraduate students are required to complete 120 credit hours of Information Technology and allied courses, and will have opportunity in the field of software development, information security, database administration, network and system administration, and in all the sectors that develop and/or use Information Technology.
The main objective of BIT program of Tribhuvan University is to provide students intensive knowledge and skill to design. develop, and use information technology in different areas. It is envisaged that graduate of this program will be equipped with necessary knowledge of Information Technology to compete in this global world.
> A student who seeks admission to BIT program:
> Should have successfully completed twelve years of schooling in any stream.
> Should have secured a minimum of second division.
> Should have successfully passed the entrance examination conducted by Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), TU.
> Complied with all the application procedures.

Course Duration
The entire course is of eight semesters (four academic years). There is a separate semester examination after the end of each semester.
Hours of Instruction:
a) Working days: 90 days in a semester
b) Class hours
- 3 credit hours courses with theory and labs is equivalent to 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab = 6 working hrs per week.
- 3 credit hours theory-only course is equivalent to 3 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial = 5 working hrs per week.
Theory course should have internal weightage of 20% and external weightage of 80%. For the course having lab work, the internal weightage is 20%, lab work weightage is 20% and external weightage is 60%. A student should secure minimum of 40% in each category to pass a course. The final score in each course will be the sum of overall weightage of in all categories. There will be a separate practical examination for the 20% weightage of lab work conducted by concerned college in the presence of an external examiner.
The project work and internship are evaluated by different evaluators. To pass project work and internship. students should secure at least 40% marks in the evaluation of each evaluator and final score will be the sum of all the evaluations. For the evaluation of final presentation, an external examiner will be assigned from the IOST.
The Grading System
A student having passed his/her 8 semesters (4 years) of study will be graded as follows:
Distinction: 80 % and above ( 8 semester's average)
First Division: 70 % and above ( 8 semester's average)
Second Division: 55 % and above ( 8 semester's average)
Pass Division: 40 % and above ( 8 semester's average)
Attendance Requirement:
Students are required to attend regularly all theory and practical classes and should maintain 80 percent attendance in each course separately.
Final Examination:
Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, will conduct the final examination at the end of each semester. 80% weightage will be given to the final examination for theory course and 60% will be given for the course having both theory and practical.
First Semester (15 Credit Hours)
> Introduction to Information Technology 3
> C Programming 3
> Digital Logic 3
> Basic Mathematics 3
> Sociology 3
Second Semester (15 Credit Hours)
> Microprocessor and Computer Architecture 3
> Discrete Structure 3
> Object Oriented Programming 3
> Basic Statistics 3
> Economics 3
Third Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> Data Structures and Algorithms 3
> Database Management System 3
> Numerical Methods 3
> Operating Systems 3
> Principles of Management 3
Fourth Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> Web Technology I 3
> Artificial Intelligence 3
> Systems Analysis and Design 3
> Network and Data Communications 3
> Operations Research 3
Fifth Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> Web Technology II 3
> Software Engineering 3
> Information Security 3
> Computer Graphics 3
> Technical Writing 3
Sixth Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> NET Centric Computing 3
> Database Administration 3
> Management Information System 3
> Research Methodology 3
> Elective I 3
List of Electives:
Geographical Information System (BIT 355)
Multimedia Computing (BIT 356)
Wireless Networking (BIT 357)
Society and Ethics in IT (BIT 358)
Psychology (PSY 359)
Seventh Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> Advanced Java Programming 3
> Software Project Management 3
> E-Commerce 3
> Project Work 3
> Elective II 3
List of Electives:
> DSS and Expert System (BIT 405)
> Mobile Application Development (BIT 406)
> Simulation and Modeling (BIT 407)
> Cloud Computing (BIT 408)
> Marketing (MGT 409)
Eighth Semesters (15 Credit Hours)
> Network and System Administration 3
> E Governance 3
> Internship 6
> Elective III 3
List of Electives:
> Data Warehousing and Data Mining (BIT 454)
> Knowledge Management (BIT 455)
> Image Processing (BIT 456)
> Network Security (BIT 457)
> Introduction to Telecommunications (BIT 458)
College Offering BIT courses are as follows:
1. Bhaktapur Multiple Campus
Doodhpati-17, Doodhpati, Bhaktapur
01-6610200, 01-6613199
2. Siddhanath Science Campus
Mahendranagar, Bhimdatta, Kanchanpur
3. Central Campus of Technology
Hattisar, Dharan, Sunsari
977-25-520228, 025-526530, 025-520226
4. Mahendra Multiple Campus Nepalgunj
Bhansar Road, Nepalgunj, Banke
081-520278, 081-525578, 081-520278
5. Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus
Biratnagar- 16, Biratnagar, Morang
6. Amrit Science Campus
Lainchaur, Kathmandu
01-4411637, 01-4410408
7. Patan Multiple Campus
Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur
8. Ramsworup Ramsagar Multiple Campus, Janakpur
- Address: Janakpur, Dhanusha
Phone: 041-520174
9. Padma Kanya Campus, Kathmandu
- Address: Bagbazar, Kathmandu
01-4224149, 01-4221712
10. Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Birgunj
- Address: Birgunj, Parsa
- Phone:051-522187, 051-522140