Friday, July 29, 2022

Career Choice: Disc Jockey, Disc Jockey Training Institutes in Nepal

Disc Jockey (DJ) is a performer who plays recorded music in front of the live audience. DJ should have a taste for music and also knowledgeable database of music. DJ selects and plays music for people to dance to and enjoy, in clubs, pubs, restaurants, discos, events, celebratory events such as parties & weddings and wherever there is a need for music. The job of a DJ is to entertain audience and keep them in the party mood.

The demand and popularity of DJs is huge on the international circuit. Though, still in a very primitive stage, Djing is getting extremely popular and growing at a rapid pace in our country Nepal. The Djing will continue to get popular as everyone loves music and it is a very important aspect of our culture and has been present in our lives for centuries. Djing complements our cultural celebrations hence it is here to stay.

Like in any other profession, experience is a plus point to the DJ. Understanding the nature and mood of the crowd is most important. It is also important for a DJ to be able to use wide range of different equipments in different venues (sound systems, audio devices, mixers and so on) with confidence. DJing requires a wide range of skills like a good ear for rhythm, a sense of timing, technical ability, good inter-personal skills and creative talent for mixing music. DJ should have bundle of energy to motivate crowd.

Some of the noted names in this profession are DJ Paul Van DYK, DJ Enferno, DJ Skribble, DJ David Guetta, and DJ Armin Van Burren in America and DJ TAVO, DJ NYK, DJ ICE and DJ Naren in India. Some of the popular names in Nepal are DJ Raju, DJ Ankit, DJ Tantrik ,DJ Bijay etc.

Formal educational is not necessary to become a DJ. But DJ must have sound knowledge of music and be able to operate gadgets. Most importantly, he should have passion and taste for music. Any background in music will be a plus point. In addition, a DJ must keep himself updated with the latest in music.

DJs do not have a regular 9 to 5 job. In fact, it is quite opposite. Their work starts when people are fast asleep. They can be called to DJ at shows and functions anytime of the day or night. The success of the DJ depends the way the crowd response to his/her music.

Possible career paths include:
> Record producer
> Remixer
> Audio Editor (TV, Radio, Film)
> Sound Designer (Film, Computer, Games)
> Soundtrack Composer
> Mastering Engineer
> Post-Production Audio Engineer

Like in other field, there is no formal career path to DJ, in the way of exams or qualifications. The more popular you are, the more will be bookings, which increase with success. The most successful DJs often find work on public radio stations, or try to start their own, or some open their own DJ training institute and this helps to spread their name and build their reputation.

DJs are almost always self-employed and earn money on a flexible basis, in relation to demand for their services. In the beginning, the salary might not be that good. But, there is a possibility of getting good fringe benefits once you prove your mettle

The normal salary would range from NRs.20, 000- 100,000 per month. A professional DJ in town can make upto Rs 100,000-Rs 200,000 a show if it’s done in 5-star deluxe hotels.

Institutes offering Disc Jockey classes as follows:
Disc Jockey (DJ) Training at Boom International, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, 01-6225212, 98510995
